By UrbanCass - 25/06/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I finally had sex with a girl I've been dating for over a month. Before we got started she told me not to worry about the birth control because she could handle that. So after we finished I asked her what kind of birth control she used. She said she meditated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 453
You deserved it 76 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, YDI. Take some responsibility for yourself you idiot.

No control is the best control.............. You can secretly mixed the plan b into her food or drink


spinarium 2

use a condom. it isn't rocket science

bwb2 0

I saw that episode of Titus too. You know, the one that this is from.

Ooooooooh. A whole month?? How did you ever survive for that long? Use a condom next time d-bag. Granted that her mental power is strong enough to keep her infertile this time.

happyvalleygirl 0

If this weren't fake, I'd say "Kentucky's finest."

intrinsic_value 0

Are you whacky? You're a pig because you "finally" had sex with her after a month? A month is not even long enough! You're dating her and all you wanted was sex? My god. YDI because you didn't even discuss birth control before having sex with her, and you didn't even wear a stupid condom. The pill doesn't protect you from STDs, and as effective as it is, it doesn't always work. Always wear one. The girl in part deserved it because she should have done research on birth control, and there's also Plan B which is effective for up to 72 hours after having unprotected sex.

Erm, where did he say that all he wanted was sex? Please point that out to me. I'd really hate to have lived whatever nightmare life you've had to live where the desire for sex is considered something horrible and atrocious. Please, for your own sake, surround yourself with better situations and people so that you can develop a healthier and more realistic attitude toward the way human bodies operate. Just... wow. "HOLY SHIT THIS GUY WANTS TO HAVE SEX WHAT A MONSTER." Anyway, I agree he should've worn a condom anyway, and that the pill doesn't prevent transfer of STDs. Though, as stupid as he is, she's even dumber for thinking meditation is a form of birth control.

The person you replied to simply has good morals and thinks that people should have sex when they love each other and know each other well. I know that the FML poster never said he "only wanted to have sex." I'll give you that. But I think that this person has a VERY healthy attitude towards sex.

Christ, you were unlucky enough to date the stupidest woman on the planet.

Demetrius7 0

YDI for ******* her after only a month.

you deserved that one.. you should have asked what she used before you got started.

ditzykayla 0

wrap it before you tap it hun. =)

Adriennerox211 0