By UrbanCass - 25/06/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I finally had sex with a girl I've been dating for over a month. Before we got started she told me not to worry about the birth control because she could handle that. So after we finished I asked her what kind of birth control she used. She said she meditated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 453
You deserved it 76 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, YDI. Take some responsibility for yourself you idiot.

No control is the best control.............. You can secretly mixed the plan b into her food or drink


MrTarzanman 0

Damn kid!! She got dat ass!!! U betta be prayin while she meditating and shit!!

FaithX 0
U_C_O_K 0

You totally deserved that.... Don't be a fool wrap your tool ! Has no one ever shared this valuable info with you

Excellent.... Of course, always use a condom. Especially if you haven't both been tested, or had the birth control talk, (or the abortion talk...).

So.. you actually trust her after -knowing- her for a full month? You're both winners there..

Why the hell you sitting here on FML?! Go get Plan B!

#135, Are you serious? Condoms are pretty much the ONLY method of bc that prevent both pregnancy and STI transmission. Did you have AOSE growing up or something? "We're obligated to mention condoms, but condoms are full of holes and sex is for sinners and ******. The more you know." "Good, so there's no reason to use condoms anyway. *sex*"

This is why you always use condoms. BC or not.