By UrbanCass - 25/06/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I finally had sex with a girl I've been dating for over a month. Before we got started she told me not to worry about the birth control because she could handle that. So after we finished I asked her what kind of birth control she used. She said she meditated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 453
You deserved it 76 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, YDI. Take some responsibility for yourself you idiot.

No control is the best control.............. You can secretly mixed the plan b into her food or drink


congrats dad!!! when your new child is old enough to understand make sure to teach him/her the value of birth control

ANNI3_16 0

well you obviously didnt know her that well.

harlycarp21 0

Is the OP sure she said "mediTation" and not "mediCation"? Because the latter (if by meditation she meant BC) wouldn't be an FML at all...

No offense, but... you're an idiot for 1. not wearing a condom, 2. for not at least trying to pull out, and 3. for NOT asking her that question beforehand.

In the USA, it IS standard, and it IS accepted norm, but so is USING A CONDOM!!! (did i mention ydi to the op?)

Could you clarify what is standard and accepted norm?

FYL and YDI. First off, you should've actually checked what birth control she was using. Secondly, you should've used a condom, anyways. Good luck to you. :/

katewasherexx 0

Wow. You FINALLY had sex with her after dating for a MONTH. You ****.

blaxk_kaizer 0

nice try guy but thanks to captain crush your dreams this came from an episode of titus where afterwards titus asks for "his load back" and im off to crush other idiots dreams!!!!

Ya... It isn't that bad using a condom... and ydi