I don't understand!

By Anonymous - 28/11/2019 18:00 - Canada

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when I came. She got pissed and slapped me really hard for cumming inside her because she did not want to get pregnant. 1. I was wearing a condom. 2. She's on the pill. 3. We were having anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 975
You deserved it 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you are our last line of defense against another dumb baby (because genetics) so please keep up the safe sex. Remember: we are counting on you.

I remember this exact post from 2 years ago... It is Verbatim....


If that were true, they wouldn't be having sex at all.

I remember this exact post from 2 years ago... It is Verbatim....

Sounds like they're dumb enough to do the same thing again.

Looks like you are our last line of defense against another dumb baby (because genetics) so please keep up the safe sex. Remember: we are counting on you.

Nhayaa 21

Reminds me of this chinese couple a few years ago trying to have a baby for years until their doctor finally understands they were having anal sex exclusively...

sel3578898553255 7
DoctorPALO 14

If she's that freaking stupid, YDI.

Laureen Takeshita_1375230115 5

I think you need a smarter gf.....

4. You're dating a moron that doesn't seem mature enough to be having sex.