By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 23:07 - Canada

Today, I was driving 3 of my guy friends to a party that was half an hour away. There was an awkward silence for most of the trip. I just figured out why now. I've had sex with all 3 of my guy friends. They talk about it when I'm not around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 287
You deserved it 109 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you kinda deserve that. After all, what did you expect?

Hey, at least you're an awesome friend.


Well, you kinda deserve that. After all, what did you expect?

Complete SKADANKADANK ...YDI and your FYL for alway being remembered as the VILLAGE BICYCLE

Yeah... Skanky *****. You're just as disgusting and if not, worse than your friends.

Um, her guys friends all had sex with her, too. And quite possibly, THEY'VE all slept with their other female friends. I love how so many people on FML like acting as the morality police as though they're all a bunch of saints who wish we lived in a society where people are called out and flogged for their "immoral" behavior. **** you people, i'm really glad i know none of you in real life, so bloody judgemental.

please think it over next time before you land into another awkward situation like this again. its not totally bad to sleep with your friends but there are consequences of course. be safe too :)

You fucken ****. Did they pay you? If not, you're not a *****. Just a really horny ****. But if they did, you fucken slutty *****.

Dante167 0

Agreed. OP: YDI for being a *****

cucumberfabulous 7


blargity 0

#113 is exactly right and maybe they were all boyfriends? but that sucks especially since they all ended up meeting #191 is full of shit i hate double standards too though but that's hypocritical

Most girls these days are arrogant, ignorant, selfish, shallow, moronic, pathetic, shortsighted and slutty ****** these days. The same could be said about guys as well.

It's not that she's slept with more than one person. It's that she put herself in this awkward situation, and she seems to think it's an FML. She's made her bed. Now she has to lie in it, alone or not.

sleeping w/ 3 guys does not make her a *****. everyone is entitled to sexual freedom. it's the fact that the guys she slept with were her friends that makes her judgement kind of off. friends aren't for sex.

Not that this really changes anything, but Canada the drinking age is 19 and 18 in Quebec. Other than that I generally agree with you.


i disagree. i don't think people should be allowed to sleep around. it spreads STD's and low morality. YDI. you put yourself in this situation.

... she may be w/e but its absolutely pathetic that you feel the need to bash her like that lol. like WHAT on earth does that do for you? lol as if it's gonna stop her from doing what she wants. this is supposed to be humorous. and it was so. soooo no need to be rude. just makes you look a little on the ignorant side especially being that you don't know her or the situation. not that i do either but that's why you shouldn't judge. only Big Guns upstairs has that right. =)

ShinigamiKurosak 0

SAFE SEX!!! SEX CAN WAIT **********!!!

ShinigamiKurosak 0

SAFE SEX!!! SEX CAN WAIT **********!!!

DeathMaple 3

Everyone calling that poor girl a ***** you guys are the reason our world nowadays sucks. What about the boys? Why don't you call them ******? Enjoy your double standards.

# What is OP was a guy sleeping with three girls? He would have been admired. Just think of it this was: a key that can open a lot of locks is a master key. A lock that can be opened by a lot of keys, well, that's just a lousy lock. (just kidding, I personally simply prefer monogam relationships over one night stands)

Hey, at least you're an awesome friend.

greenltrn2003 0

MAN DONT WE ALL! YDI but u win the best friend/**** award that calls for a foursome (as long as its filmed)

yea you must be pretty amazing if the only thing those 3 guys could talk about is you in bed

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first word that popped into my head: *****.

hotrod14 0

thundercats thundercats THUNDERCATS ... HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

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raineydayes 0

It's Fez!!! "Good day!" "But Fez!" "I said good day!!!"

lovelykendra5 0

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sam_knows 0

lol, u totally YDI. stop sleeping with your friends, it just ruins the relationship.

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dakrock13 0
testing_fml 0

I bet they know each other really well, if you catch my drift. The gossipy pillow-talk about their mutual lady friend was inevitable.