By Anonymous - 01/01/2013 07:50 - Australia - Sydney

Today, during the countdown to midnight, I looked for my girlfriend so I could kiss her as 2013 began. I found her just in time to see her making out with some guy she swore was "only a friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 963
You deserved it 3 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your resolution for 2013: find a girlfriend who truly deserves you.

perdix 29

May auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind. That's Scottish for "Dump that ho!"


Your resolution for 2013: find a girlfriend who truly deserves you.

WrongRomance 11

27- I just logged in solely to thumb up your comment.

"So please listen to the message that I said, don't ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend" - Biz Markie

I hope that the guy she was kissing got his midnight kiss.... With a fist.

I hope you dumped her, gave him a good beat down then got with the prettiest girl at the same party.

A kick in the teeth is good for some, a kiss with a fist is better than none.

perdix 29

May auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind. That's Scottish for "Dump that ho!"

Watta bitch.. you can do better then her dw :)

beachchick9498 5

Great way to start the new year, huh?

Better to find out now then waste another year with her!!

Trisha_aus 15

Happy new year to you Pleonasm and the Fml community!

Happy New year to you, Trisha, and everyone else. May everyone's years go off to a better start than some of the OPs that have and will post!

2013. A new year to let resolutions go unresolved. May all your FMLs be minor and still amuse the he'll out of us.

MY resolution is to let my resolutions go unresolved..

So you want to resolve your unresolved resolutions?

42: In doing that, you would be resolving this years resolution meaning you would have to resolve a resolution breaching this years resolution. I think im looking into this too much...

Even ['m looking into it to the point of confusion lol..

That's really fudged up, to kiss someone on the countdown to the next year? That's really romantic, sorry to read that she did that. But at least now you can make a new resolution. Find a better girlfriend. Better to know that your gf was a cheater now than later.

But you say he's just a friend!!! Biz Markie lol!

I'm sorry, that really sucks, OP. You should make a resolution to find a girlfriend who won't make out with someone who's "just a friend", and she should make a resolution not to kiss other guys when she has a boyfriend.

Mortoli 30

Lol once a **** always a **** my friend. She will continue cheating on her bfs for years to come... Only one thing comes good for the lesson of cheaters.. It makes people understand how much it hurts to cheat and get cheated on.

everton99 16

"You, you got what I need, but you say he's just a friend, but you say he's just a friend."