By Yikes - 27/09/2016 04:34 - United States - Cumberland

Today, I finally found the single flaw in my perfect boyfriend. It's herpes. Genital herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 954
You deserved it 1 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, it herpes. I mean happens. I'm on my way out.

No human being is perfect, there's always something, not usually an unsightly and painful STD, but something.. Hope you get yourself checked out/taken care of OP.


da_epic_failman 7

Herpes isn't that dangerous. So many people have it, and don't know it, because it so rarely shows symptoms, and is almost never deadly. Even if it does show, it can't be that bad. Could you provide more details?

Single flaw? Yins must've just started dating.

I have read this site for years, and this is the first comment I have ever made. I am affronted by your callousness regarding your partner's condition. If you have ever educated yourself on herpes, you would see the biggest problem is the social stigma associated with having it. As many others have already said, herpes is a common condition that many don't know that they have because it is hard to test for unless you're having a reaction. As a woman with herpes, I thought my self value was lowered when I found out I had it. I have no idea who have it to me. Guess what? You can contract herpes and have it for years and not know it. I can understand you not wanting to have to deal with a couple itchy bumps every year to two years (better than acne) but I feel you owe your partner a huge apology for probably making him feel less than his worth. No one is perfect, but considering he probably has no idea how he contracted herpes, I don't think you should hold him at fault for this. One caveat-if he had sex with you before telling you and he knew previously, then I'm sorry. Otherwise, please educate yourself on how to be sensitive to those with conditions they can't help.

Why would anyone say YDI? It isnt her fault

Like, everyone has herpes, but like, no one is perfect. My point is, of all the flaws he could have, I think you lucked out. Herpes is one of the most common STDs and I think most people can go years without ever experiencing the symptoms. But, you found the perfect boyfriend. That's the important part. I would rather have the perfect boyfriend with the Herp than an asshole without it. Any day.

Talk to him about it. I'm hoping you didn't find out the hard way.

I briefly dated a guy who confessed to having herpes (although we never did anything sexual). I felt really bad for him because he got it from a long-term girlfriend that never told him she had it. He said it was difficult for him to date at all because he hated having the conversation; obviously it tends to be received poorly. He was a wonderful guy, he just got dealt a bad hand. My advice would be that, unless he had malicious intent to not disclose known information to you, to give him a chance and not let this affect your opinion of him. Be safe and make good decisions but if he's a good guy, he's a good guy.

Ciela 22