By Yikes - 27/09/2016 04:34 - United States - Cumberland

Today, I finally found the single flaw in my perfect boyfriend. It's herpes. Genital herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 954
You deserved it 1 723

Same thing different taste

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Don't worry OP, it herpes. I mean happens. I'm on my way out.

No human being is perfect, there's always something, not usually an unsightly and painful STD, but something.. Hope you get yourself checked out/taken care of OP.


Believe it or not, a lot of people have herpes, some estimates have it at more than 90% of people have it in some form. It's really not anything to worry about.

Depending on how you found out, I would say this isn't that bad. If he told you he had them you guys can work around his break outs to avoid spreading it. If you found out because he gave them to you and didn't tell you about it that's one thing.

ForeverJasmine 26

That's incurable... That really sucks

Herpes isn't that big of a deal. Worst case schenario, you get little red bumps. When don't humans have little red bumps? And most people don't even show symptoms. 90% of the population had herpes in one form or another. Welcome to the "Most Boring and Benign STD" club.

So? Most people have it, and most of those don't even know. Unless you got a negative test result lately, it's more likely you had it too all along and never knew.

kimiirenee 17

don't let that be a deal breaker. do your research on it-most people actually have it. ever had a cold sore? herpes. I have it, and trust me, it's not the end of the world.

sooooo did he not know..or just hide it from you for awhile?

Am I the only one associating herpes with additional sexual relationships - pointing another big flaw?

josiemorehouse 12

Standard STD tests won't show positive for herpes unless there is an active outbreak. And you don't have to have sores during every active outbreak. Many people live years without knowing they carry the virus, and those who know live relatively normal lives. You can take medication to reduce symptoms and outbreaks, but it's not a huge deal breaker. OP, if you contracted the virus from him, he may have been ashamed to admit he had the virus from fear of losing you, or he may not have even known he had the virus. If he spoke up and told you before you two were intimate, he was open, honest and respectful. Either way, do research on it, but if he's otherwise perfect for you, give him a chance.

I agree with most of what you said. but, if the boyfriend knew and was too ashamed to tell OP and they had sexual interactions then, where I'm from at least, it's against the law. if you know you have an std you have to tell your partner before intercourse.