By mhmohyeah - 10/11/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I was jumping on every crunchy leaf on the sidewalk. I went especially far out of my way to step on one only to notice it didn't crunch right. I looked closer, it was a dead bird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 778
You deserved it 18 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It was a defenseless, little bird in need of help . . . until you crushed it to death. Birds are the descendants of dinosaurs. Sweet dreams.

alex_vik 0


Dcvictorious 0

Not a FML. I didn't realise you were 5 years old OP.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Aww but crunching leaves is fun! Its great to just let go and be a kid again :)

qwertyone 0

There is nothing wrong with doing that. I do it at my age. If everyone demonstrated a little harmless and innocent child like behavior the world would be less depressing.

I still tend to kick at sticks or stones I come across, and try to keep them in line so I don't have to stray from my path and swerve around like a retard just to kick it again =P (I don't go out of my way.) When you get a significant other that likes to take walks, taking turns kicking stuff as you go can be a fun little game.

Mx_Rider 6

sunkissed your hot! and you ride dirtbikes! even hotter. o yea.. op so you stepped on a dead bird boo whoo youll live.

YDI because the bird was alive when you stepped on it.

Sun_Kissed18 25
kieran247 0

I was running in my yard and slipped on a dead squirrel once

ariomario2 0

It's fine for people to step on the crunchy leaves!! I do it all the time and I'm 18! I will just think twice about it now.......

echarperouge 0

I do that all the time! But dude, that sucks.

dspadres 0

You stomp on dead birds all the time?

Caayouteepie 0
deven7 0
perdix 29

It was a defenseless, little bird in need of help . . . until you crushed it to death. Birds are the descendants of dinosaurs. Sweet dreams.

perdix 29

Where the pterodactyl calls in the stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus rex to avenge the murder of the little bird. It's going to be a long night for the OP. I hope she didn't eat chicken for dinner.

Are we sure the bird was alive before he stepped on it? Pretty sure he would have noticed it moving if it had been...

ExtremeEncounter 32

not so bad. I stepped in baby bird guts barefoot once...