Hungry Cat By FML Videos - 03/10/2018 12:30 - United States - New York Why isn't it ready yet? Let me at it! I agree, your life sucks 275 You deserved it 77 Share Tweet Share
Today, I showed my best friend a picture of my new girlfriend. He gave me a high five, followed up with, "Looks like we're Eskimo bros!" FML I agree, your life sucks 162 You deserved it 71
Today, I drove my girlfriend home around 11pm to her garage where we started to have sex. When she came to climax she slipped and hit her head. Her parents heard the crash and came down; we were both still naked, and she was unconscious. FML I agree, your life sucks 94 232 You deserved it 20 264
Today, my boss came to my cubicle to give me my annual performance bonus. I was asleep at my desk. FML I agree, your life sucks 11 447 You deserved it 62 228
Today, I saw a naked man for the first time in my life. It was the nude model in my art class. I was forced to draw wrinkles and fat rolls in places I didn't even know existed. FML I agree, your life sucks 32 646 You deserved it 5 282
Today, my loneliness pushed me to buy a pack of cigarettes just so I had to show my ID to the clerk, hoping he would wish me a happy birthday. I don't even smoke and he didn't say anything. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 602 You deserved it 567
Today, I was driving with my boss and she held her breath as we drove past a cell tower, because she didn't want to "breathe in any radiation." I have to take orders from this moron. FML I agree, your life sucks 27 934 You deserved it 2 019
Today, and for the past year, I’ve been losing a custody battle with my ex, I got put on medication that makes me feel dead, and I just found out my current boyfriend, who I’ve been dating for 3 years, has been cheating for months with girls I told him I didn’t have a good feeling about. FML I agree, your life sucks 528 You deserved it 133
Today, I finally got my paycheck from working at my minimum wage job for the last three months. I was delighted when I saw it was worth $846. On my way to cash it, I destroyed my car's suspension. It's going to cost almost $800 to fix. FML I agree, your life sucks 36 987 You deserved it 6 720