By Username - 09/08/2011 00:03 - United States

Today, I discovered that if I work out, I can't get an erection, but if I don't work out, my penis functions fine. This wouldn't be such a problem if I wasn't a professional bodybuilder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 742
You deserved it 13 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

markrs 0

Hey having sex is exercise too... The fun kind


AKSpray 4

Steroids do not stop anyone from maintaining erections. lack of testosterone is responsible for impotence, not extra testosterone.

bswole 1

if your on juice it could be a side effect. it does different shit to different people.

markyodin 0

You type pretty well for a body builder

cherry_blossom 0
chengy4191 7

Dude stop taking steroids then u won't suffer so much from ED when u "work out" body builders aren't attractive and will never get any ass anyway -_-

Well, it appears that you sir are on 'roids....

potsie10 4

maybe you should lay off a bit and do like some of the ladies have said and have sex that's a workout too.