Rock, hard place

By Anonymous - 27/05/2021 11:01

Today, my parents have decided to ground me if I don’t wake up early. If I wake up early, I get migraines. Not only that, but the migraines always last for exactly as long as the grounding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 905
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ya should go see a doctor about that. and your family sounds toxic

mando 10

Let me guess...they're the type that think they have all the answers and they're always right, meanwhile not helping you but merely adding to your misery. I'd tell you to talk to them about a reasonable solution, but they won't listen to you. Just get out, they've proved it never gets better, just continuously worse.


mando 10

Let me guess...they're the type that think they have all the answers and they're always right, meanwhile not helping you but merely adding to your misery. I'd tell you to talk to them about a reasonable solution, but they won't listen to you. Just get out, they've proved it never gets better, just continuously worse.

Ya should go see a doctor about that. and your family sounds toxic

You need to see your doctor and ask to be referred to a neurologist. Most likely once that happens you’re parents may think twice about their attitude toward your migraines.

This doesn’t quite make sense...wouldn’t you not have the migraines if you were grounded? If waking up early = migraines and walking up late = grounding, then grounding and migraines shouldn’t happen at the same time...