Risky business

By Anonymous - 14/06/2020 02:02

Today, I went to get insurance and I have a non-fault third party claim and yet my insurance has gone up. I wasn't even in the car when someone hit it. Why have I got penalised? They claim I'm now "statistically more likely to get in an accident." My car was parked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 811
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BigSissy 14

I don’t even drive and I know that’s messed up.

leximichelle 13

Unfortunately, that’s how insurance works. For small damage claims, it’s often better to just pay out of pocket for the damage, or just live with it; as far as insurance companies are concerned, the fact that it’s happened before makes it significantly more likely that it’ll happen again, regardless of whether it was your fault or not.


BigSissy 14

I don’t even drive and I know that’s messed up.

You whipper-snappers park dangerously!

leximichelle 13

Unfortunately, that’s how insurance works. For small damage claims, it’s often better to just pay out of pocket for the damage, or just live with it; as far as insurance companies are concerned, the fact that it’s happened before makes it significantly more likely that it’ll happen again, regardless of whether it was your fault or not.

I'd like to see the science and math proving this significance, especially if his car was in a parking lot.

It’s actually pretty accurate. Small claims are better to pay out of pocket. Your car could be wrapped in bubble wrap and if your insurance has to pay even a dime on a claim (even if you aren’t at fault) will raise your rates.

I know if you live in the U.S if you are under the age of 25-26 the price of insurance goes up because they say you are a high risk driver which means your fault in an accident or not they jack up your insurance, it’s the dumbest thing ever

bloopaloop 27

You’re statistically bad at parking.

Because most states give 0 *****. Now if you lived in a no-fault state, wouldn't have been a problem if you were determined to be not at-fault

XUDT72 24

Completely wrong. In no fault states your insurance covers you no matter who causes the accident making not at fault accidents raise your rates more than in other states since your company is always paying out for every claim.

Same happened me. Someone pulled out of a side street into the side of my car. Total write off. Following year, my insurance went up £100 despite me not being at fault.

bobsanction 18

Get new insurance. Getting hit by someone else is unlikely to show up on your driving history so you should be able to get a better rate from a different insurance carrier.

XUDT72 24

False. They filed a claim so it shows up on a claims report and will impact their rates with every carrier.