Landlords gonna landlord

By WannaBarf - 08/01/2022 09:01 - United States - Loveland

Today, I got my deposit back from my last apartment. The receipt is riddled with math errors. I'd told them I’m an accountant when I moved in, so I redid the receipt in my own time to see how bad they fucked it up. They owe me $400 more due to their mistake, and I’m sure I’ll never see any of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 217
You deserved it 90

Same thing different taste

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Notice that the math errors were all in their favor? That means it was likely intentional. If they don’t agree with real math then take them to small claims court.


Notice that the math errors were all in their favor? That means it was likely intentional. If they don’t agree with real math then take them to small claims court.

something enough to be qn accountant, but not smart enough take the issue to small claims court?