By MissCommunicate - 05/02/2011 15:36 - Australia

Today, I found out about my parent's divorce over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 273
You deserved it 3 041

MissCommunicate tells us more.

I am only seventeen, and that's how I found out. My parents were then quick to give me the "talk".

Top comments

I would have thought they would have had the decency to take you to one side and break the news.


I would have thought they would have had the decency to take you to one side and break the news.

StudMuffinette 17
derpherp 0

(ーー;) old people....they're into Facebook way to much ( ̄ー ̄)

tiffanylovesyou 0

It's Kayy. I found out bout my mom and stepdads marriage over Facebook. Wtf?

Congratulations OP. Your parents may have just gotten 20 asshole points, which means you have 20 revenge points. Use them wisely!

Is that so? So what do we get, GeezerBook? WrinklyFaceBook? Well I say **** that! We pay the bills, so you damn kids can get YOUR own shit! And get off my damn lawn!

iknowimawesome 13

Ahhh... the power of facebook.