By JenniWearsPrada - 20/04/2011 08:27

Today, I decided to start my exercise video routine. It's an African dance workout DVD. Just as I felt confident and motivated about getting in shape, I realized that my window was wide open and my neighbors were getting a front row seat to me waving my arms in the air like an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 964
You deserved it 26 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just ignore them, you're trying to make your life better while that's all they can do with theirs >_>

Did they bring folding chairs onto your front lawn, put down an esky full of cold drinks, and give you a standing ovation? If not, you're not doing it right.


Just ignore them, you're trying to make your life better while that's all they can do with theirs >_>

I've got to agree with number one on this. Your neighbors need to find some new hobbies but good for you for wanting to get in shape.

Ha I can see how they might think you look funny if they don't what your doing, but way to be motivated and do something to get in shape!

or you could just make sure your windows are closed?

dum_dum1 0

YDI for trying to get in shape. go to a gym like a normal person. and buy some blinds. what an idiot!

ShadyFTW1 0

49, ydi for trying to get in shape? You are the idiot my friend.

Ya WTF 49. Why would you diss someone for getting in shape and working out at home? Your a Low life #49.

xoxospontaneousx_fml 0

I agree with 36, can't you pull down the shades or something and continue with your workout

op put your hands in the air like you just don't care =p

I don't think it's that big of a deal. the person forgot. why dont you just laugh at the fact that the person forgot to close them and move on?

it's ok you're on your way to a hotter body

wait so what OP is saying is that African dances consist of people waving their hands like idiots ****** RACISM MUCH??

Dumeril 0
Nellygirl 0

*gasp!* U look like Demi Lovato! :0

ImaWiseGuy 5

haha, no wonder I never see out of shape people running or in the gym anymore.... african dancing sounds so much more appealing....

Y U NO TYPE LIKE NORMAL PERSON. Hahaha! This comment made my day, it's just full of irony.

You obviously have no clue what sarcasm is, lol.

flickyourbic1223 7

13- It takes 10 two hands to hold a phone for a picture. You souldn't have expectations too high for that one.

zmoney314 0


Randuhh_17 4

41-I enjoyed your picture. Imma have to take a trip to hoe carnival...lmao!

at least it wasn't **** you were watching

lmaoatall 6

don't knock **** workout videos. there's some good ones out there. like feeling the groove with Richard slims in. Jane pounda's jaz and jiz. and my fave, Jack off Elaine.

Your neighbours must have had a laugh, but they'll forget it eventually.

Did they bring folding chairs onto your front lawn, put down an esky full of cold drinks, and give you a standing ovation? If not, you're not doing it right.

DaveOnDope 4

I used to watch this local woman that did a morning exercise show on PBS every day. She almost always got a standing ovation out of me. But I never stood up, I was busy.

DaveOnDope 4

Well, thanks for the offer, but you DON'T get it. My lady gets it regularly.

yea your left hand or you cat is not a lady

Get that workout DVD, watch and follow it! Come on, there is no shame in wanting to get in shape and feeling good about yourself!!!! People in the gym look ridiculous sometimes too but it's so normal there that there is no need to laugh

DaveOnDope 4

THIS PERSON IS RIGHT! Just close the window, pull the shade, and DO IT!