By Kallian - 25/10/2012 07:08 - Australia

Today, I found a ticket on my motorcycle for not parking in a designated spot. The space I had parked my bike in was occupied by a large van. Some asshole had moved my bike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 706
You deserved it 2 453

Kallian_fml tells us more.

Kallian_fml 21

I actually feel much more comfortable on my bike than in a car. When I was 15 someone crashed into the side of my mums car, right where I was sitting. The passenger seat I'd been in was completely crushed. Many of my bones were also crushed. Guess I'm just afraid of getting trapped in a car like that again.

Top comments

I'm sure they have cameras around there somewhere, you could always get them to look.


I'm sure they have cameras around there somewhere, you could always get them to look.

I hope so - but they're never in the right place when you need them!

Inheritance 10

They need bike racks for motorcycles. That way problem solved.

Kallian_fml 21

54- Exactly right! All the cameras in this carpark were only focused on the entry, exit and where you pay for the parking.

Keastwood013 - All that proves is that the van was parked there at the time that the photo was taken. It doesn't prove that the owner of the van touched the OP's bike.

How awkward would it be if the van owner didn't move the bike? Keying the van is a little extreme, and will probably do more financial damage than a parking ticket.

It would be pretty weird for someone to just decide "I'm bored, lets move this bike!" I think this van is the number one suspect! I would wait for the person to come back to the van (if time permitted) and try confronting them that way.

But most van drivers are douchebags, it's still the prime suspect.

bitch_pleez 10

80: my mother drives a van and she's a lovely woman. Kindly shut the f**k up.

#80 said "most" not all. No need to get your panties in a bunch. It is cute how you stand up for your mommy though.

Flamepelt 15

But that would be VAN-dalism!

Take a photo of that and fight the ticket.

BellaBelle_fml 23

How would taking a picture of the van or his motorcycle at this point help the OP in any way? Unless you think the OP, and everyone else for that matter, should start taking pictures of where they parked their vehicle in case something like this should happen again. As if people expect this sort of thing to happen to them on a regular basis. As a very wise woman recently said, "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Well that suck squeezs bangs and blows... Sorry engine joke

kittytub 12

sounds more like a prostitute joke.

It's an engine joke meant to also be a sex joke. Sucks in air, squeezes for compression, spark cause a bang and then it blows out the exhaust.

PhishloverA 14

Sounds like how an airplane's engine works

It's a 4 stroke engine. Intake, compression, power, exhaust. Suck, squeeze, bang, blow.

Zoroark899 6

Not sure if YDI or not because I'm unsure if you parked in the van's slot originally or if it was move there. Lol. If you parked there originally, you definitely deserves it.

*pcccccchhhhht!" CS: Hello this is customer support, how may we serve you? Zoroark8899: Ya, um I, like, can't use mah CPU, y'know??? CS: You'll have to be more specifi--- Zoroark8899: Ya um I press the on button but it won't boot! Wats up wit dat? CS: Did you try plugging it in? Zoroark8899: I thought that's what the WI-FI was for? I can totally see this happening.


Alan! Y U NO LET US UPVOTE THE ADMINS??? In all seriousness, I see that as being a flaw. I've never seen an administrator comment that I didn't want to upvote 75 times.

*Tries to down-vote Alan* *gets punted into oblivion like something out of The Forgotten*


So make it so Admins can only be upvoted, and never downvoted?

flockz 19

don't tell anyone, but i even heard they can shoot lightning out of their assh- *gets struck multiple times by lightning*

#66 Well you are right behind multiple yellowed bikini asses.

Okay obviously if he said someone moved his bike then some asshole moved his bike.....dumbass people I swear....

Get a grip people we are not in English class. So it don't really matter

Epikouros 31

What a ********. People should be more grateful to future organ donors.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I think he's saying motorcycles are death traps. Which is so wrong. I've been riding for more then 12 years. 4 of those years on the road. It's dumbass drivers that kill us riders. There's no better feeling in the world then going on a relaxing cruise.

It's not that motorcycles are more likely to get in an accident, it's that the outcome is so deadly for the motorcyclist. The only thing really protecting you is your helmet, which isn't that much if your going about 40mph or higher

CallMeMcFeelii 13

It is more dangerous but that's really part of the appeal of bikes. You feel this sense of freedom. You aren't stuck in some cage. Yes, it is much more deadly but you learn very fast that you need to be paying attention to everything around you. I do wear a helmet though, a lot of older riders don't. Which I think is the dumbest thing they could ever do.

feldco1 17

While people should look for motorcycles, there are those riders that weave in and out of lanes, drive in between cars and don't wear a helmet. Those people set themselves up to get hit.

The most dangerous thing about being a biker is that other ppl don't see you

No, the Most dangerous part is that there's nothing around you to protect you if there's an accident. It's just you versus the road. The road always wins.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Doc I wrecked 2 times on the road. One was over 40 mph and nothing more than a bad case of road rash happened. I was wearing a helmet, if I wasn't it would have been much worse. So + 2 for me 0 for the road. My friend died in a car accident so cars can be just as dangerous as a motorcycle. Sorry for so many comments but I hate when people think motorcycles are death traps.

Llama_Face89 33

61- Did you break the road? Because I still see the road with a win if that isn't the case.

Epikouros 31

#24 I'm not blaming you, CallMeMcFeelii, I'm thanking you. At least if you are registered as a donor. There's a serious shortage of organ donors in many countries, partly because people don't bother to register and partly because traffic has become too safe. It's not my problem if Doc hates fixing up people after avoidable accidents.

McAninch35 9

I understand why people dislike motorcycles. But I've been around them, and people who understand them, all my life. They can be just as safe as a car, and 10x more fun.

24- I totally agree with you that other dumbass drivers are a huge problem when it comes to bikers, but that doesn't make it any less deadly. You could be the most responsible, safe, alert bike rider ever but that still won't prevent idiots from hitting you. And, as stated before, you're more likely to get seriously injured or killed while on a motorcycle as opposed to in a car.

My uncle was killed on his motorcycle by an idiot who didn't look. He had been riding for over 25 years. He only got into one accident before that and it was to miss a car who almost hit him. He wore a full body amour suit, boots, gloves, and helmet no matter how hot it was (he lived in Los Angeles). When he died, the impact of the truck killed him. So the road had nothing to do with it. It is true though: there are amazing riders out there who are very cautious and then their are the idiot riders weaving thru traffic, going 90, wearing, shorts, t-shirt, and flip flops...thinking nothing will ever happen to them.

OMGosh, I need to give up. I meant there*

Kallian_fml 21

I actually feel much more comfortable on my bike than in a car. When I was 15 someone crashed into the side of my mums car, right where I was sitting. The passenger seat I'd been in was completely crushed. Many of my bones were also crushed. Guess I'm just afraid of getting trapped in a car like that again.

Doc if you don't crash then it doesn't matter how much protection you have. So really the cause of the accident is more dangerous then the result no cause no accident

Remember the license plate of the van, track the adress of the person from the van and give him the ticket.

BellaBelle_fml 23

At least you were honest in your profile when you stated, "I'm lazy." Because you were too lazy to make any sense in your comment. High-five for honesty!

lovepandorasaver 11

People that drive vans suck, i've been run off the road twice by van drivers switching into my lane without looking. Apparently the bullying doesn't stop on the road sorry op.

People that drive trucks suck! They have to much torque for me to win in a short race. :( stupid trucks. Oh and they ride your ass even though you're already going 15MPH over the speed limit, you move over to let them pass and they just sit there. But you had to move anyway because they are much taller than your car and blind you with their brights.. Ugh ugh.

Well, look on the bright side. With the money you save on fuel with that motorcycle, you can afford the tickets when assholes move your bike into illegal parking zones.

Exept that insurance rapes you compared to a car I'm a biker I know

Well, shit. I guess there is no bright side. :(