Need beer now

By Jensen - 16/07/2021 07:01 - United States - Hoffman Estates

Today, I went kayaking with some friends, and I had an empty beer can dedicated to throwing cigarette butts in. After running out of beer, I took a big swig from the only can in my kayak. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 231
You deserved it 1 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank you for not littering at least!

next time twist the popped part over the drinking section to give yourself a better chance at not repeating this in the future . lmao silly goose and maybe bring a tooth brush with some paste incase you forget 😂


Thank you for not littering at least!

next time twist the popped part over the drinking section to give yourself a better chance at not repeating this in the future . lmao silly goose and maybe bring a tooth brush with some paste incase you forget 😂

Been there- never done it twice though haha