By boardwalk the fuck out of my resturaunt - 17/06/2019 00:01 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, I received a tip in Monopoly money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 848
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91gb 15

Don't worry! Keep it safe and one day you might be able to afford a hotel


manb91gb 15

Don't worry! Keep it safe and one day you might be able to afford a hotel

I was going to make a joke about Canadian money, but then I saw you're from the Netherlands, which means you were tipped in Euros. I'm sorry that customer didn't take you seriously.

sohigh10 34

Tipping isn't customary in the Netherlands, despite what you Amsterdammers might think. Just because you get lucky from some tourists not knowing the custom doesn't mean you're suddenly entitled to tips.

...did you hear that? it was the sound of the point flying over your head smdh