Mistaken identity

By Guess I was wrong - 16/03/2020 06:23

Today, I came home to find a man standing in my living room. Since my mom texted me that her new boyfriend would be coming over, I just assumed it was him. I introduced myself, made us some coffee and I went to my room to study. When I went downstairs after a while, the TV was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 736
You deserved it 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You may not be wrong. He might have been your mum's new boyfriend.

crazy_joe 15

That guy will have a crazy story to tell his pals. Lol


You may not be wrong. He might have been your mum's new boyfriend.

crazy_joe 15

That guy will have a crazy story to tell his pals. Lol

It's obvious. You made such crappy coffee, your mom's boyfriend decided it would be better if they watched TV at his place, so he moved the TV over there.

WistayShlaio82 13

Probably should have said “oh you’re *moms boyfriends name but get it wrong* how are you?”

Jeez, whenever a person you don't recognize is in your HOUSE, GET CONFIRMATION! That's Common Sense 101!