By Kyokushin - 03/06/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I came home from work when I heard people in my apartment. My apartment was supposed to be empty, so I entered ready to fight some thieves. I rushed in and hit the closest person to me before the lights switched on. It was a surprise party. I broke my girlfriend's cheek-bone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 939
You deserved it 20 187

Same thing different taste

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That will teach her for throwing a suprise party. LOL

Well I guess it was the sensible thing to do.


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XYZzzzzzzz 0

call the police. if they were theives, u would be dead if they had guns. u hit one, they will shootcha

Lol I'd really prefer a intense fight with lifeless thugs than a boring party

Well I guess it was the sensible thing to do.

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That will teach her for throwing a suprise party. LOL

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peeeacceandlovve 0

fyl...theey should learn how to makke it a surprise by not talkkkinnng duuhh hahhhahhhahha LOL

LOL. Who does that? Run in and hit what you can't see? People don't actually do that, do they?

i would id b screaming DIE YOU DEMON!!!!! then grab a bat if i didnt recognize them yet and id b screaming that because itd be awesomeand this should b Today, i was throwing a surprise party for my BF. he ran in and broke my cheekbone.FML

ohreally123 0

I would be freaked out if I heard voices in my apartment. I'd probably just call 911 though..

Why would you just charge in there? One knife/gun would have stopped you in 2 seconds you dolt. You clearly couldn't even see the suspect enough.

^ Nice description, I bet he's not on FML.. Hoe

Well, you're not gonna go in, look at the the burglers and then take action, you want to suprise them. Also it's retaliation, first instinct of doing when you're suspecting something. Hopefully your girlfriend is okay.