By Kyokushin - 03/06/2009 14:15 - United States

Today, I came home from work when I heard people in my apartment. My apartment was supposed to be empty, so I entered ready to fight some thieves. I rushed in and hit the closest person to me before the lights switched on. It was a surprise party. I broke my girlfriend's cheek-bone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 936
You deserved it 20 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That will teach her for throwing a suprise party. LOL

Well I guess it was the sensible thing to do.


palmtrees 1

for those saying "oh, hope your girlfriend's okay!" - she's NOT okay, she has a broken cheekbone! Kind of a big deal, most likely will require surgery if it's at all displaced...

I broke her other cheek but with my ****

#82, you should just enjoy the FML instead of writing a frickin' essay. OP: Haha you're a dumbass, but it's instinct I guess so FYL.

rizzl4shizzl7 0
1nicent1 0

Lucky u didn't have a gun or knife.

#81 do you not something else to do than write a 5 page essay on this fml?

#94--hey, it wasn't meant as a derogatory thing, i just cannot see a straight man caring enough about an FML to write an essay... (oh, and btw, different pussy every night, thank you) (well, not EVERY night, but close enough)