By rollerSWEETness - 03/06/2009 15:16 - United States

Today, I was on a roller coaster and this 13 year old sitting next to me was completely terrified. To cheer him up, I threw my hands in the air. While my hands were up, we hit a curve and I elbowed him in the face, making him cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 446
You deserved it 72

Top comments

Wow... why did you think throwing your hands in the air would cheer him up?

Yes indeed, why would you sticking your hands in the air cheer up a 13 year old boy?


Wow... why did you think throwing your hands in the air would cheer him up?

xxbadassbitchxx 0

how would you know how old he was? 0_0

duh ! to make him know it's not thatscary hahaha

Skelanimal15 0

Because if u throw ur hands in the air u r totally helping somone not b scarred! (sarcasm!)

Hopefully your spelling is sarcasm too, #307.

Yes indeed, why would you sticking your hands in the air cheer up a 13 year old boy?

hey, I'm 12 and I would cry is someone accedentally elbowed me. and I certainly wouldn't be cheered up if someone threw their hands up.

eddyg94 11

yeah I heard it only works on 14 year olds, Freud proved it in like 1746.

Seeing as Freud was born in 1856, I doubt that.

eddyg94 11

+1 for realising that I made a up a date, -10 for not realising that I also made up the statistic.

bitches_and_hoes 0

Awww xD that's so sad, I hope you bought him something nice to make up for it. #1, grow the hell up.

urlifeisraped 0

If you're going to make an insult, at least spell it right.

Dam, well at least he's not scared anymore.