By Blue - 19/11/2008 11:02 - France

Today, I bought myself an MP3 player. Later, I was laying in bed, listening to music and eating a bowl of cereal, when I went to move the bowl of cereal on the bedside table for some shut eye. I dropped my MP3 player into the leftover milk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 366
You deserved it 29 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Add "saves your mp3 player" to the list of the reasons why you should drink all of your milk

something ive learnt over the years of being an idiot, dont eat cerial in bed


put it to good use and gobble that shit up.

Emily84 0

Not to worry, the MP3 player is probably still under warranty. As long as you don't tell the tech support people HOW it broke, they'll send you a new one.

Add "saves your mp3 player" to the list of the reasons why you should drink all of your milk

Why don't some people drink the milk? If they don't like milk, why not leave milk out of the cereal bowl?

and you wouldn't look where you put your new MP3 player down... why? irresponsible.

happierthenyou 0

how long are you going to eat the cereal o_o if there is still milk in it "after a while"

Pay more attention next time. I-pods aren't cheap!

something ive learnt over the years of being an idiot, dont eat cerial in bed

Don't eat cereal and listen to your portable music playing device, kids.