By comphone - 19/11/2008 08:00 - France

Today, I went to work 300 miles away from where I live. I couldn't find my customer's address, so I decided to call him. I'd picked up my wireless house phone instead of my mobile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 371
You deserved it 9 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you could've just done: "Today, I went to work 300 miles away from where I live. FML"

carriealana 0

WTF? you deserved that one.


carriealana 0

WTF? you deserved that one.

ilybaby1616 0

lmfaoooo!!! thats funny as hell!!!! but how did u mistake ur house fonr 4 ur cell??? jwjw

what the **** is wrong with you? are you so mentally handicapped you can't fully spell or even spell words correctly?

lindZAAAY 0

LOL hahaha, Honest mistake. I too plead guilty to that >.<