By Blackshadows - 07/09/2015 18:08 - United States - Somerset

Today, I accidentally poured milk into my bowl of chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 931
You deserved it 8 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Justy101 23

Who knows, maybe you've discovered an amazing new breakfast cereal.

Salty milk and soft chips, yum! I hope you didn't waste too many chips, OP :p


not sure if you deserve it or your life sucks...

Maybe they were high or super tired. Aside from that you could have pressed both YDI and YLS without commenting.

Of course their life sucks! Who would like to waste milk on chips?

Iwannarock1 19

I'm surprised tux made it. Pretty lame for an FML.

At least it wasn't the other way around.

I think he's saying at least you didn't pour your milk before your cereal, that is the king sin

deftones_fml 19
Justy101 23

Who knows, maybe you've discovered an amazing new breakfast cereal.

Everyone that has now tried this new trend in breakfast cereal should post their reviews here, including type of chips and type of milk used!

Chocolate milk and Fritos, not a good combination. Source: elementary school.

Salty milk and soft chips, yum! I hope you didn't waste too many chips, OP :p

aneff0592 13
UserError94 18

I thought this was funny! Them bastards try and down vote ere thing..

It might taste good if you follow logic. Milk = Good. Chips = Good. Therefore Milky Chips = Good?

Lol that's exactly what I was referencing.

but are soft chips good? because they will turn soft. if soft chips are good I shall not argue with that theory

soft chips are potatoes and if you mash them up you got some good mashed taters.

lexiieeex3 32

Well happy Labor Day to you too...