By Anonymous - 27/07/2016 04:09

Today, I spent my first day with my parents for the first time in a year as I've been away at university. My dad went to work, and my mum spent the whole day playing mahjong with her friends as they all told me "how fat I've gotten" and how "boys won't like it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 801
You deserved it 1 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can see your dad having to work as a valuable excuse. However, your mom going hanging out with her friends all day is just plain rude. Sorry OP, hopefully your week gets better :)

Sounds like they have got used to having their own lives again.


Sounds like they have got used to having their own lives again.

Not sure that's an excuse for repeatedly telling your daughter how fat she's gotten.

I can see your dad having to work as a valuable excuse. However, your mom going hanging out with her friends all day is just plain rude. Sorry OP, hopefully your week gets better :)

whether you got some size or not, bet you are looking good

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Essentially telling someone "wow, you've gotten fat, boys aren't going to like you or find you attractive if you look like that," how is that not mean? Everything said there is an insult and hurtful, they knew what they were doing.

Actually, her family may be Chinese (based on the mahjong comment), and Chinese people don't see blunt comments like this as offensive when aimed at their younger generations. Being Chinese myself, I have experienced similar comments all my life.

Maybe next year don't come home to see them. Clearly they didn't miss you all that much. Sorry about that, OP.

And I'm, sure that all of the people who are criticizing you are the most attractive supermodels on the planet, are they?

Even if they are they shouldn't be saying those things about OP.

Uhhhh other people can be so rude. Sorry OP that's really not a great welcome home. Hopefully the situation will improve.

Toss a handful of corn on the table for the old hens and forget it.

pacman490 21

Well, some boys won't like it

Allornone 35

I agree with comment #2 but also want to add that it's not her friends business to comment on you especially when it's negative. The fact that your mom just ignored it and kept playing makes her sound even worse of a mom.