By Phil - 30/11/2018 08:00 - United States - Plain City

Today, I was driving slightly off road for work to clean a well. I didn't want to get my boots muddy by walking the last 20 ft through mud, so I tried to drive through. I spent the next four hours on hands and knees digging my way out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 063
You deserved it 3 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Not mud! Anything but mud! Oh cruel world, why hast thou forsaken OP? What's that? You say he deserved it, because he's a wuss, and shouldn't be worried about a little mud? Well, I can't disagree with you, world. After all, I need you to survive.

That didn’t work out very... ...wait on it... well!


Oh no! Not mud! Anything but mud! Oh cruel world, why hast thou forsaken OP? What's that? You say he deserved it, because he's a wuss, and shouldn't be worried about a little mud? Well, I can't disagree with you, world. After all, I need you to survive.

That didn’t work out very... ...wait on it... well!

IThriveWithYourPain 14

The point of boots is walking through tough terrain such as rocky areas, sandy areas, and MUDDY areas and if they are those stupid non-practical stylish boots then it is completely your fault, again

PenguinPal3017 19

Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

"Hmm, I'm on my way to drive off road to do my job- cleaning a hole in the dirt filled with water. Time to put on my special well-cleaning limited edition glitter covered suede Uggs!"

If you were working and knew there was a possibility of getting dirty, then why would you wear boots you didn't want to get muddy? be a man.

tounces7 27

They're boots. That's what they're made for.