Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

By malicemassacre - 17/01/2021 23:01

Today, I found out that the rivalry between my boyfriend and my only friend I have in this city was just a cover up. I'm now a single mom of a 2 year-old and a 5 month-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 205
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, nothing I or anyone else can say is going to make the hurt go away. For the sake of the children get child support from their father. They need it. Would it be old fashioned to say “Don’t have children if your mate is unwilling to commit to marriage”? And yes, of course it takes two people to create a child (or at least someone else’s sperm). I am well aware that a document does not guarantee unending love or fidelity. But it does tend to guarantee that both parents will be forced to support any children that come of the union. It also tends to screen out a mate who is not committed enough to the relationship to commit to a future together. Words can be cheap, actions are not.

Her boyfriend and her only friend in the city are secretly dating behind her back. To cover it up they acted like they hate each other. Now OP is single.


Her boyfriend and her only friend in the city are secretly dating behind her back. To cover it up they acted like they hate each other. Now OP is single.

noone0094 1

ohhh shoot that's what I was thinking but it was worded so weirdly

OrySoma 11

he left her for her best friend who is of some gender and they pretended to hate each other while secretly sleeping with each other then he left her for her friend and now she's a single mom of thier two kids

OP, nothing I or anyone else can say is going to make the hurt go away. For the sake of the children get child support from their father. They need it. Would it be old fashioned to say “Don’t have children if your mate is unwilling to commit to marriage”? And yes, of course it takes two people to create a child (or at least someone else’s sperm). I am well aware that a document does not guarantee unending love or fidelity. But it does tend to guarantee that both parents will be forced to support any children that come of the union. It also tends to screen out a mate who is not committed enough to the relationship to commit to a future together. Words can be cheap, actions are not.

I don't think that in her case a marriage-paper would have changed anything. If he has accpeted their children and is on birth certificate then getting him to support his kids should be relatively easy. If he legally isn't a father – now that action is a major red flag and makes getting child support really difficult. I really hope he is decent enough to support his kids. Best of luck, OP!