By Igor - 19/12/2012 05:16 - United States - Lansdale

Today, I have a very uncomfortable cyst in my armpit and a sprained ankle both on my right side, resulting in me limping and keeping my arm awkwardly plastered to my side. My fiancé keeps walking like me and calling me Igor, saying "Yes, Master" whenever I ask him for something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 343
You deserved it 4 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It may seem mean to you but maybe he's trying to make you laugh and feel better. I know it would work on me.

olpally 32

Awww, that's cute. Give him credit for having a sense of humor about your injury/condition and trying to cheer you up. he's a funny one. Lol :)


It may seem mean to you but maybe he's trying to make you laugh and feel better. I know it would work on me.

Maybe he just finds Igor very, very attractive.

13- I really doubt anyone thinks something that fugly is attarctive.

You're judgmental. Well, I'm sure Igor doesn't care about your opinion. He's sexy and he knows it.

*Sigh* *places you on the guillitine and pulls lever* That is what private messeges are for!

mariah_1_11 22
olpally 32

Awww, that's cute. Give him credit for having a sense of humor about your injury/condition and trying to cheer you up. he's a funny one. Lol :)

Isn't that a bit backwards? If you're Igor, why is he calling you master? I'd take advantage of this situation. See how much he is willing to do for his "master."

That does suck, but he could be trying to be funny to make you less upset about it.

Come on OP have a sense of humor. That is funny.

It may seem mean but at least he isn't ignoring you or hitting you or something brutAl

I think 8 is trying to say that it would be much worse if OP's fiancé was abusive. Instead, he has a sense of humor

siickman 7

33, its like sunburns. People will take advantage and hit you because they find it funny that you are in pain. So at least the husband isnt hurting her weak areas and having a sense of humor about the whole thing.

At least he's comfortable enough to joke around with you like that!

They're planning on getting married. Why wouldn't they be comfortable around eachother?

Getting tired of ur bullshit subwaysurfers

The fiancé may just want to lighten the mood a bit. As long as you're getting the help you need while you heal, don't sweat it Op. get well soon.