By N - 07/05/2012 09:51 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, I asked my dad why there were no photos of me on the wall. He replied, "Every time you disappoint us we burn one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 787
You deserved it 5 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jasmine1259 2

That's kind of hilarious. I'm sure he was joking though.


I'm really the first person to wonder why you expect there to be photos of you on the wall?

So, quit disappointing your parents and stop asking stupid questions.

I'm disappointed in you, i'm burning your pictures.

capodanno 4
SupaHotFire 4

Lmao ur dad sounds like a nice guy, haha I'm so gunna do this to my kids

Why does people like you never think about how their kids will feel. How do you like it if your parents call you a disappointment?

twerp21 3

71 - Sometimes it encourages them not to be a dissapointment.

My parents joke around with me like this all the time, it can get frustrating but they always say you only pick on the ones you love.....besides, then I get to retaliate =D

Merp :(. Wait so Wat happens wen u do good??

quincykid23 6

My sister says merp all the time.... Wtf

Yet another loving moment between father and daughter!

At least you HAD photos on the wall

twerp21 3

At least you have parents. •_•