By Emily - 03/08/2010 23:54 - United States

Today, my best friend who I've known since high school is getting married. I'm supposed to give a toast during the reception about how great the bride and groom are. I've been sleeping with the groom for the past 7 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 306
You deserved it 149 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uh. well done. i suppose now, you can give a speech about how awesome you know the groom will be in bed with your best friend! you're the bestest best friend in the whooole world~

Nightxx 0

Id hate to have you as a friend! **** her life not yours..hey maybe in your toast you can hint out what a ***** you are :D


uh. well done. i suppose now, you can give a speech about how awesome you know the groom will be in bed with your best friend! you're the bestest best friend in the whooole world~

ohthebloodygore 16

Both are at fault here, YDI op for sleeping with your best friends soon to be husband.

if you still have an ounce of decency in you, don't let your friend marry this douche, tell her what's been goin' on... you'll save her from both a **** for a best friend and a douche for a husband.

amazinggbaby 2

tell her before they get married, and how is this fYOURlife? selfish *****.


And your asking for sympathy on FML...because your an idiot? Op, your probably the worst friend a person can have. Congrats جً_ج

well fyl I'm sure that's screwed YOUR life completely poor you

someones a big nasty best friend back stabbing man stealing *****

oppsalot 0

first off 46, wicked hot. secondly, can anyone be faithful anymore? unreal.

linebacker42 0

your a major *****, you poor bff, FHL just for knowing you

ohthebloodygore 16

48 - Yes, saying she's hot will have her right after you, whoever 46 may be. Smooth move.

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oppsalot 0

oh meant 26. I'm smooth like buttah. don't worry about it, just paying a compliment. ah well. thanks for dropping the hammer on me though! was nice.

Arsonnist 3

Is it really worth fighting over? FML is like a dating site to some people. It's not going to change.


Ah..Well...Thanks #72 for the compliment. ^^'

how does that FYL? it totally ***** up theirs. you totally deserve it!

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ohthebloodygore 16

Not at all. The cheater deserves it as well.

MyChemical_fml 0
Toxxic_Blackout 0

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Telling someone to kill themselves is not worse than being a cheating *****. It's not like Freeze has mind control powers and is going to Jedi the bitch's face into a lawn mower via the power of suggestion. Now if she actually does kill herself, that's worse than cheating, sure, but that would still be her own fault for being stupid enough to do it. Personal Accountability, I know it's like a magical unicorn, it doesn't exist. But if it did it would be beautiful and magical, and possibly taste like a delicious steak.

OP is clearly a bitch, especially considering this is her best friend's fiancé, but that's never an appropriate response.

ilovejonathan13 0
Nightxx 0

Id hate to have you as a friend! **** her life not yours..hey maybe in your toast you can hint out what a ***** you are :D

you could always mention how good the groom is in bed lol

ohthebloodygore 16

Maybe he's not, and OP is just that desperate to get laid?

hmm.. 7 months tho? he couldnt have been THAT bad if she stuck around that long lol

ohthebloodygore 16

Like I stated, maybe OP is hideous and the soon to be husband was the only one who'd **** her. She could be that desperate and he could be thinking 'I'm ******* best friends'. it's a possibility :p

eggjuggler 0

She's sleeping with her "best friend's" future husband... How picky can she really be?

ohthebloodygore 16

So is the husband, I say they're equally at fault; him for proposing while cheating (or cheating after proposing) and her for sleeping with her best friends soon to he husband.

ohthebloodygore 16

No, you didn't hah. I'm not going to correct you even if you did happen to. BTW I accidently blocked you, now you're unblocked you're free to message me if you please.

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Well, you've got half the speech down. You know how awesome the groom is. Now, just do some improvisation in regards to the bride!

joce445 0
eggjuggler 0

Soooooooooo..... you have no morals and you think that someone's going to feel sorry for you? FYL for being that dumb. Clearly you deserve this, as well as a few good punches from the scorned bride-to-be.