By jellyybean - 05/09/2011 17:05 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend why he didn't believe in marriage. His response was, "I believe in marriage. Just not marriage with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 652
You deserved it 5 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vash_41288 10

On the bright side at least he was honest, now you can probably see how far that can go.


Well I'm not tooooo sure but I thiiiiink that's a go ahead to time an adulterous event. Perhaps when he's coming home from work? Or maybe when he's bringing his parents over for dinner? Hmm? Yes.. Oh ps my number is 555-hawt

Why does everybody here think that marriage or separation is the answer to relationships? There are many couples who are completly satisfied in being in a relationship without marriage in sight. Abiet this guy states that he doesn't want to marry OP, but many relationships fail because a couple weds.

Learn to read the post properly. This has nothing to do with believing in marriage or not.

Confuciussay 6

67 - This guy "believes in marriage. Just not with OP" make sure you read the quote.

Confuciussay 6
loah 0

"i believe in marriage. Just not marriage with you". Read before answering.

And I believe I'n sex, just not sex with you XP