Wasting away

By Mustanggt - 19/02/2022 16:01

Today, my dry spell reached the 15-year mark. I've been employed and in shape the whole time, and now I can feel my body wearing out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 072
You deserved it 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Lmao ok that last part made me laugh and almost choke on my sandwich 😂😂

Hookers? It's such a curse that unattractive people desire attractive ones and can't be happy with those who are in their league. If you could be attracted to your fellow uggos, you'd be getting laid all the time. Otherwise, become attractive by adding cash to the transaction.


Hookers? It's such a curse that unattractive people desire attractive ones and can't be happy with those who are in their league. If you could be attracted to your fellow uggos, you'd be getting laid all the time. Otherwise, become attractive by adding cash to the transaction.

Marcella1016 31

Lmao ok that last part made me laugh and almost choke on my sandwich 😂😂

How are you in social situations? I'm okay, but being yourself and opening up in social situations won't necessarily open the floodgates, but it will help you my friend

this scares me. i absolutely HATE sex, do you have to have it to be healthy????

maybe you're trying too hard, that's a major turn off