By jellyybean - 05/09/2011 17:05 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend why he didn't believe in marriage. His response was, "I believe in marriage. Just not marriage with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 652
You deserved it 5 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vash_41288 10

On the bright side at least he was honest, now you can probably see how far that can go.


Can people read? This post has nothing to do with whether or not marriage is necessary for a meaningful relationship. Op's boyfriend never said he doesn't want to get married, he just doesn't want to marry her. That's an insult. Period.

wowww......THAT'S all messed up on so many levels

leeleethatzme 0

Dang that sucks but if i had to find the good in it;it would be at least u kno to move on now cause its not worth waiting on

He shoots... He scores! But seriously, at least he didn't lead you on.

crazygurlzz1 5
Gherazz 0
mbrooks5110 0

At least he was honest but he didn't need to be so rude. Stop wasting ur time with him. GL

Twisted_Angel 17

time to ask yourself 2 questions. 1: are you okay with never being married? 2: when he decides he's ready to get married, does he already have the woman picked out? cold hard truth is, if he doesn't believe in marriage with you, then he doesn't believe in any kind of relationship with you in the future. sounds like it's time to move on and find someone that's worth your time.