By Anonymous - 30/08/2017 20:00

Today, my dad described our security cameras recording a stranger stealing money from his car, and then called me unhealthy and paranoid for locking my car all the time. My car is usually parked right next to his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 271
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

I think your father missed the point about leaving the car unlocked. The point is there is nothing for theives to steal and the car is a worthless piece of junk that's not even worth the time to steal.


Lobby_Bee 17

I think your father missed the point about leaving the car unlocked. The point is there is nothing for theives to steal and the car is a worthless piece of junk that's not even worth the time to steal.

He’s right. He parks his car in the bad neighborhood, just so you can park yours in the good neighborhood where it’s ok to not lock your car. Ingrate!

I know! It's amazing how drastically the quality of neighborhoods change within a matter of feet!

I am sorry your Dad is a fool. I can barely imagine how stupid it is to go to the trouble or expense of putting up security cameras and not locking his car and leaving valuables in an unlocked car to be stolen. I assume your dad was displacing his anger from himself for not locking his car to you that you took reasonable precautions.

gobiteme2 34

Dad should have spent the money on a touch sensory pad to alert him when someone gets into his car.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

lol Where I'm from you can actually get sued if you don't make sure noone gets inside your car without you knowing it. I'm not making this up.

Keeps cash in the car and leaves it unlocked? What's that address?

With the exception of someone who lives on a farm or somewhere where there is a least an acre of land. Why would you think is a good idea to leave your car unlocked.

If you knew the car was unlocked the smart thing would of be to lock the car