By gonavybeatarmy - 31/05/2012 05:28 - United States - San Diego

Today, I almost got kidnapped. Again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 655
You deserved it 4 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments


When I was younger I was terrified of getting kidnapped so my friend and I made pepper spray, which was literally pepper and water mixed together in a windex bottle. I never even got to use that shit.

Bull shit! If u almost did u would be in the news

Just keep in mind - When there's a sign for free candy, it *does not* always mean free candy..

Zenia88 10

Maybe you should just stop going outside..

Yell 'fire' instead of 'rape'. Sadly, that's what gets more attention.

What that's crazy but I wanna know who are the d-bags who liked the u deserved it button...a$$holes

CaliLoveFire 23

sadly, I can relate, though I don't exactly live in a nice neighborhood