By getmeoutofthiscountry - 19/07/2013 19:06 - United States

Today, I agreed to lend my daughter's inflatable pool to my neighbor for the day. Barely an hour later, I witnessed his son jump off their balcony, missing the pool by inches. He's now in hospital, and my neighbor has sworn to sue me, saying I'm responsible because the pool is mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 154
You deserved it 4 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Counter sue him for the distress and trauma that you and your pool suffered from having to watch it.


Sounds like its time to move house! Maybe a place with a real pool this time?

courtney680 17

Why move? It's not their fault so how could their neighbors ever win that lawsuit?

Stupidity seems infectious. Therefore when a strong strain is found it is often acceptable to move as far away as possible.

br00kr 22

My dads a lawyer I can get some tips for you OP!

\ 28

No good deed goes unpunished. And fortunately, neither do many irresponsible fathers.

Or maybe a place with no pool. Or stupid neighbors. Probably just the latter because pools are awesome.

wiccanangel13 10

Same could be said about irresponsible mothers. Don't make this a gender specific thing.

alexwow1 13

Can they sue he got injured on his area of the house and how dum are children

ElementaryEdGuy 18

Do I have to be the one to point this out? How does the first floor have a balcony?

34- woah, calm down. Nothing said was that serious.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

You're the only who made the comment out to be gender specific, 34. I don't think anyone else took it like that. I hate how people call foul on any comment just because it says male instead of female, or vice versa.

27 - Don't worry, they won't even make it to court.

15 - You think they would want to continue living next to these people? Really?

People sue for anything now. You'd be surprised. I knew a lady who got robbed, and the guy fell out of the window and broke his arm and sued the lady....he won!

br00kr 22

You can sue for anything. He won't lose though because it is the sons stupidity and the neighbor asked for the pool.

br00kr 22

They might but im just trying to say that the guy owning the pool would win lol because the neighbor asked for it.

puffleprincess 7

#135-uh huh, I bet you also know someone who knows someone that named her kids a-a (aDASHa, the '-' isn't silent) and orangejello & lemonjello. You read the story about the robber on the Internet--just like everybody else did, lol.

threer 30

135, if it was her property then the guy couldn't have won that case.

Stupid people. Stupid people everywhere.

As Sheldon says, stupid people make me sad.

Pwn17 25

Someone this stupid shouldn't even have a kid...

It's not necessarily his fault. The kid could just be dumb or a risk taker. But he is a dumb ass for threatening to sue. FYL OP

\ 28

Hopelessly stupid people should be sterilized.

SwaggCapone 11

You should be required to take a iq test before breeding

Smoldering 15

Stupid stunts like that normally would take care of most stupid people, but nature can't keep up. Why you say? Well because stupid people breed like rabbits.

If you have seen the movie idiocracy then you know why stupid people should not breed

puffleprincess 7

#94 I think our modern medicine ruined that. It used to be people avoided doing extremely stupid shit, cuz they knew they could die from a broken bone, an infection, etc. Now, a quick trip to the ER, some antibiotics & you're all better and ready to get back to breeding!

I'd really like to see that neighbor try to sue OP. It'd be like me loaning a chainsaw to a person, and a week later they go on a killing spree and then blame me for the killings because it was my chainsaw. As Spock says, "Highly illogical."

The pool is yours. By the dumb kid is hers. You seem to be at an impasse.

Clearly OP is in the wrong. It's his pool. It must have moved out the way at the last second. Good pool.

She should have sued had the neighbor's son landed and popped her precious inflatable pool. It seems to be causing a lot of conflict so far.

DyslexicPanda 12

Or just counter-sue and say they stole it

On the neighbor's property, the win goes to OP

I'm sorry for you, OP. I hope you will not pay for the stupidness of the neighbor's kid

CallMeWindSock 24

Sorry to point this out, but I think the proper word is "stupidity".

Sorry if my first language isn't english !

Counter sue him for the distress and trauma that you and your pool suffered from having to watch it.

Can I just say, your pic is awesome! Stupid dog! You made me look bad!

58: You know, there's a Private message service on here.

Actually there is a PM function on phone app.

@77, that's true for the iPhone app. But if someone doesn't have an iPhone/Android and is just using the mobile site, they wouldn't be able to use the PM service.

My Android app has had a pm function for years. I'm not sure how using the mobile browser site would be different.

Have fun winning that! In all seriousness, that sucks OP.

i would have just responded with saying ill sue him for stealing my pool xD

Very idiotic xD watch him try to sue you!

Smoldering 15

The neighbor has no grounds, they asked permission to use OP's pool there for making the liability shift over to the neighbor. Furthermore the idiotic kid had the choice to jump off the balcony. He was not pushed by Op. lastly this all happened in the neighbor's yard not Op's. Don't worry Op they will just be made fools in court.

daringtoride 27

Honestly, OP, if your neighbor took that to court, I doubt she would win (if she isn't laughed out of the courtroom first.) Then again, stupider and crazier cases have been won lately...on that note, your neighbor's kid is an idiot - no doubt got that gene from his father.

Or from his mother... You know, the moron who thinks she can sue someone else for her moron son.

or the moron you speak of is, in fact, the father. unless... well you know... op meant HER son and not HIS son as is clearly typed.

daringtoride 27

I used she, before I read the FML more carefully and saw OP said 'his son,' though I suppose it could still go both ways considering OP didn't specify whether the last reference to the neighbor was the mother or father :P So I just used both!

10showgirl 16

Tell him that if he does that, you'll swear that he pushed his son off the balcony.

CoolRainbowdash 15

Exactly why did he jump from the first story balcony?

my_name_is_earl 9

Clearly the 2nd or 3rd story, depending how dangerous you're feeling is the way to do it :P