By rob - 10/12/2010 07:29

Today, I admitted to my girlfriend that I'd kissed another girl five days before we got together. She told me, "That's OK, I slept with my boss last week." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 672
You deserved it 7 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well was that before u guys got together?


both you and 'laxatives after death' bf from a couple fml's ago should play Russian roulette with a loaded gun. everyone gets a turn! :D

megfar33 0

Wow, hope your not still with her?

angela3222 0

We all have our damn opinions but I agree, Glee sucks.

only reason she told you that is because the boss is better in bed. ydi for not being able to meet her needs.

hardly karma, kiss -> sex. big jump there :p

Yeah so? Karma doesn't care 'bout that. If it's wrong it's wrong.

He didn't do anything wrong. I'm pretty sure that he stated that they were not going out at the time? She is the witch that messed up.

yea honestly glee ruins songs... thank god I don't listen to most of the songs they cover anyway :)

WHY is it any of her business who you kissed before you were together? =/ And I'm not understanding why she equated you as a (then) single man kissing a girl to her as now taken woman sleeping with her boss?

Ismellwin 0

Exactly. "What's that? you cheated on me before we were together? That's okay, I cheated on you last week!" :)

what you fail to understand is that op's girlfriend's logic is flawless. in a parallel universe, that is. |the kid|

Ouch. Unlucky mate. Kick her to the curb.