By Recovering Alcoholic - 17/12/2014 22:41 - United Kingdom - Kettering

Today, half of my motivation to stop drinking is so that my tolerance will go down, because I currently can't actually afford enough alcohol to get even tipsy anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 482
You deserved it 12 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep it up and your motivation will go towards staying sober. You'll see the benefits soon enough! Good luck!

Maybe it's a sign you should stop drinking for a long while OP.


Keep it up and your motivation will go towards staying sober. You'll see the benefits soon enough! Good luck!

orbit 22

No he just has to go to Costco's or Bj's and buy in bulk.

badluckalex 23

you're a great help to op becoming sober...

drunkmunkey 24

It's not easy quitting but one morning you get tired of waking up feeling like shit every morning and you decide to stop... It's not easy but you start feeling a lot better after a few weeks... It's still really easy to slip though so you have to keep at it

orbit 22

Sorry, but from reading the fml I didn't get anything about op wanting to go cold turkey. What I did get out of it is op enjoys drinking and didn't have enough money to keep up with himself.

Maybe it's a sign you should stop drinking for a long while OP.

That's what I was thinking too, maybe give your liver a break.

homesuckfucker 28

OP, any symptoms of withdrawal you may experience while trying to quit are well worth the financial, physical and emotional change quitting will bring. I speak from experience. No, there is nothing wrong with an occasional drink. But binge drinking and alcoholism is extremely dangerous and you will not regret quitting entirely if you have no self control when drinking.

Rosebudx 32

Once you're away from it, you'll find that that half of your motivation is rapidly shrinking. You'll always want the drink, mind, but you'll realize that life can be better without it.

That's the bullshit people who have no clue come out with.

You can do it OP :) Keep hanging in there

xluciferx666 21

Even though you are starting out for that reason you might just like being sober in the end and keep up with it best of luck to you