By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 16:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a show with my drama group. My mom isn't a good drunk, she decided to scream along to every song and pass out halfway through. She was in the front row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 364
You deserved it 2 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxilovesoccerxo 0

Hell, I've done that at my kid's school performance of The Little Mermaid-- the Jager-induced crooning is just how we show our little darlings how proud we are!


xoxilovesoccerxo 0
fakeaccountX 6

Her need to get drunk before your shows might tell you something about what she thinks of them.

Your mom just wanted you to be excited she came! Confiscate her vibrator before your shows if the screaming is distracting. (:

So you are aware that she's normally like that, and the "drunk" story you tell people is for sympathy?

Hell, I've done that at my kid's school performance of The Little Mermaid-- the Jager-induced crooning is just how we show our little darlings how proud we are!

...because it was a joke, nitwit. You proved yourself nitwit-worthy not only by not catching on it was a joke but also by using the inappropriate "your". Now I await your best "This is FML not English class loser lololol" response.

His proud what? Learn the proper uses of your/you're and perhaps someone will tip back the Jager and serenade you for your mediocre accomplishments, as well.

Owz doccie, your SO anoying, take teh dicktionary out of yo A$$ please. LOLOLLLOLOL.

BoyFromTheFuture 0
Bubblerider 3

12 please stfu. doc will be ruler of the world one day. :)

#51, I know that, it's why I decided to respond to his request.

That sounds very painful! Sometimes you need to be assertive in those situations. There isn't anything to sue over either, it doesnt sound like malpractice, and usually judges throw out cases of pain and distress. I say suck it up princess. And ydi for not being more assertive.

Oops my phone f'd up and posted on the wrong fml

Hey, you should be proud of your mother! Blood is thicker than wat-- erm, booze?

giantsfan2010 23

At least she was quiet again after that.

perdix 29

She thought you needed a prompter.