Liquid fun

By Anonymous - 14/12/2023 08:00 - Argentina - Buenos Aires

Today, I'm feeling so lonely and miserable that I started adding a few drops of whiskey to my coffee, just to make all those shitty thoughts disappear for a moment. I know that it won't really help and I need therapy, but I can't afford it right now. On the other hand, it seems that I don't really care anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 538
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to family and friends and go online for support and to find therapy. Stay away from the alcohol. You can do this my friend.

Time to be honest with yourself, “a few drops” of whiskey does nothing. You are using much more than that… OP I definitely sympathize, but you need to admit to yourself exactly how much alcohol you are using. There have been times in my life when getting drunk felt like the appropriate thing at the time - But even then I saved it for extraordinary circumstances. I would say that you have two things going on - Depression and loneliness. Depression can get you into a cycle that repeats itself. And then loneliness can make you depressed. I suggest attacking it on both fronts before alcohol takes a long term toll on you. See a psychologist or counselor so they can help you with the depression and may be able to give you some pointers on how to meet and interact with the people who you want to be with. After my divorce I saw a counselor for exactly that reason and they did give me some helpful pointers.


Talk to family and friends and go online for support and to find therapy. Stay away from the alcohol. You can do this my friend.

Agree fully with SirEnigM0nk. Find an online or local support group. Do it sooner than NOW. You need to talk with someone. This is a good start, I'm glad you put it in writing. That is a massive step and you should be proud of that. Now, take that next step.

Time to be honest with yourself, “a few drops” of whiskey does nothing. You are using much more than that… OP I definitely sympathize, but you need to admit to yourself exactly how much alcohol you are using. There have been times in my life when getting drunk felt like the appropriate thing at the time - But even then I saved it for extraordinary circumstances. I would say that you have two things going on - Depression and loneliness. Depression can get you into a cycle that repeats itself. And then loneliness can make you depressed. I suggest attacking it on both fronts before alcohol takes a long term toll on you. See a psychologist or counselor so they can help you with the depression and may be able to give you some pointers on how to meet and interact with the people who you want to be with. After my divorce I saw a counselor for exactly that reason and they did give me some helpful pointers.

PLEASE seek out free therapy. There are plenty of places that offer free care you just have to find it. Also online groups do help. Speak to family or friend's. The hardest thing is asking for help.

A few drops fixing your brain chemistry means you need a psychiatrist, to prescribe medication, because you're presumably having neurochemical issues. Otherwise you wouldn't even NOTICE a few drops. Seriously, psychiatry is a wonderful field and better living through chemistry is possible.