By Ow - 18/04/2014 11:09 - United States - Golden Valley

Today, due to my short temper, I punched myself in the nose because I wouldn't stop sneezing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 476
You deserved it 59 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you then punch yourself in the heart because you wouldn't stop bleeding?


blue001 5

chris brown much lool... also u might have to take anger management class...

*giggles* you ******* idiot *bwahahahh* no offence...fine there's a bit...AHAHAHAH, okokokokokokok...WHO THE **** IS STUPID ENOUGH TO PUNCH THEMSELVES IN THE NOSE?

Anger can be a bitch sometimes, OP. Hope you learn from this experience!

rawlings123 17

Sounds like someone needs some anger management lessons.

The sneezing is the least of your problems... Lol