By Nico711 - 30/03/2019 02:00

Today, my girlfriend and I were out to dinner. She had to use the bathroom, so she went, but the food came while she was in there. She came out, yelling at me for ordering the food to come that exact time, then she broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 439
You deserved it 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like she was planning on breaking up at the dinner and just used that as the excuse.

bloopaloop 27

Sounds like the best thing that could have happened


She does understand how “random chance” works, right?

Sounds like she was planning on breaking up at the dinner and just used that as the excuse.

tounces7 27

Clearly she's not very creative or very bright then, if that's the best she could come up with.

Topper369 3

Sounds like you dodged a bullet.

bloopaloop 27

Sounds like the best thing that could have happened

Thank God. Imagine being with someone that stupid and unfair long term.

manb91uk 22

Do you see that bullet next to you? Yep, you dodged it! Well done, buddy!

-a moment of silence for our fallen comrade -did you atleast get a doggy bag for the bitch ?

Yeah, that’s the real reason. You don’t want to know...

Was she not there to pick her food? How long was she in the toilet? This is just strange behaviour. You might be better off.