By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 20:13 - France

Today, I broke my nose by sneezing too close to a table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 320
You deserved it 7 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

You should have roundhouse kicked that table like you were Chuck Norris. Then again, when Chuck Norris sneezes while standing too close to tables, he breaks tables.

These tables... they plot these things....


ZeeBest86 6

Sounds like something that will inevitably happen to me.

KatieRawrr 0

LOL too funny "oh hey how'd you break your nose?" .... "I sneezed too hard"... NOOB

jazziness 12

haha the same thing happened to a girl in my french class

auren15 9

ironic this FML is from France

Arschloch04 0
FYLDeep 25

You should have roundhouse kicked that table like you were Chuck Norris. Then again, when Chuck Norris sneezes while standing too close to tables, he breaks tables.

#4: he's just lucky Bruce Lee isn't around anymore. He could break Chuck Norris every time he sneezes. OP: How exactly did you break your nose? I'm having a bit of a hard time envisioning it.

These tables... they plot these things....

Sneezes break more bones on average than any other bodily function... Just kidding control yourself better OP lol

FYLDeep 25

I wouldn't be surprised if that's true. Bodily functions aren't supposed to result in broken bones. How else would our bodies function then?

Damn that sucks. Don't sneeze too close to the table next time. You could break more than your nose. :S

Coulda been worse. You could have coughed next to a desk or farted next to a chair. Can you imagine the damage that would have caused?

Dude, #11 don't be such a wiseass. What the OP means is he/she sneezed, and the force caused him/her to smack his/her nose on the table, thereby breaking it. Grow up and use what little intelligence you have.

Bawxy 0

Oh my. Sounds like growing up involves murdering ones own sense of humor.

Arschloch04 0

27, Couldn't have stated it better myself.

thats not that bad because 1 time i was brushing my teeth and i sneezed and i hit 1 of my front teeth on the table and the tooth turned gray and chipped the table tooth intacted but its gray with unbreable pain and i was like 5 or 6 years old so im glad it aint an adult tooth because the gray lasted till i was like 8 when i took it out

Arschloch04 0

Could you use some punctuation once in a while?