By brokebitch - 09/05/2019 06:00

Today, being a broke college student struggling to make ends meet, I decided to sign up for a sugar daddy website. The first person to message me was my high school history teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 628
You deserved it 1 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least U2 have a history together 🤣🤣😂

Where does a high school history teacher have enough money to afford this? Or are you a cheap sugar baby?


aim for a tenured professor, they're making bank supposedly xD

Nah, the money is nothing special. The job security is fantastic, though.

Where does a high school history teacher have enough money to afford this? Or are you a cheap sugar baby?

You don't have to be rich to use the sites, you can be on a normal salary but still want to pay for everything, it can just be dates or taking them shopping.

California? My mom’s friend is a middle school history teacher, and she makes more than 90k a year. Some teachers make pretty good money (at least in CA).

You seems to know a lot about them. Hmmm? I saw a TV piece about that site called Seeking Arrangements or something like that. The guys were giving the women thousands of dollars a month.

My high school history teacher back in the days told us he makes 100k a year. I don't know though if that's enough for this whole sugar thing.

Well at least U2 have a history together 🤣🤣😂

You are putting yourself out there and are surprised by someone you consider creepy contacting you? At least he waited until you were legal.

julfunky 29

My high school history teacher was HOT. So I’m having trouble relating to the FML part.

Alup132 22

While not my history teacher, my substitute teacher, for when my real teacher has a baby, wasn’t much older than me and is my favorite teacher. The next year she went on to teach history full time at my school for the grade below. We still keep in contact

tounces7 27

That was your first thought, instead of, I dunno, getting a job?

Be sure to let us know how it goes with him!