By Lou Czar - 07/01/2009 23:56 - United States

Today, I signed up on one of those "cheater" dating sites. I ended up meeting my own girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 789
You deserved it 81 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude. f*** you both! just tell each other that you don't wanna be together! jesus, is it that hard to say no to someone???

So you're both assholes. Just break up. : Don't cheat, break up! That should be your new motto...


...I think that would've been time to end things.

"**** you bitch" to the person who made the site in the first place!

"I didn't know that you like pina coladas..."

kryxen 14

#89 I was going to say that! Lol.

I don't even get why the OP is complaining. He can't be upset that his GF was about to cheat because he was doing the same thing. And it doesn't matter that he was caught because SHE was doing the same

I had no idea that their was a dating website for cheaters. They all probably get together and then breakup because the both cheated.

dude. f*** you both! just tell each other that you don't wanna be together! jesus, is it that hard to say no to someone???

BamBAmGG 14

I don't knowwwww. I think two cheating assholes deserve eachother. Saves someone who is faithful from meeting one of them and eliminates that potential heartbreak from ever occurring!

As long as they don't reproduce its fine. Cheating assholes can stick together.

So you're both assholes. Just break up. : Don't cheat, break up! That should be your new motto...

#11 should've ended in "n" I got your back, ddr. And i also agree.. cheaters should just pair up so they dont ruin everyone else's lives

DBgirl 0

Total Pina Colada moment there!

Gimme a k.......K! gimme an a......A! gimme an r.......R! gimma an m......M! gimme an a.......A! WHAT DOES THAT SPELL? K-A-R-M-A!!!!!