By sugar baby24 - 28/06/2019 14:12

Today, my boyfriend and my sugar daddy found about each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 543
You deserved it 6 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IrieStorm 9

I hope you ain't looking for sympathy on here. You ABSOLUTELY deserve it.

Aiden89 23


Your boyfriend is not happy with how little he has to spend on you?

IrieStorm 9

I hope you ain't looking for sympathy on here. You ABSOLUTELY deserve it.

Alup132 22

I’m not gonna call you names or anything mean, but you TOTALLY deserved it. Cheating is never okay.

I dont understand why people like you post on here expecting sympathy. You deserve nothing except maybe a nasty STD.. Cheating is never okay.

Go hug a cactus. Karma is a b!tch and so are you.

Okay. I know most people on here are probably going to call you a *****, harlot, but I'm not going to be one of them, ****. If your sugar daddy wants to be stupid, and buy presents for a *****, that's his prerogative. I will, however, point out that keeping your trampy behavior a secret from your boyfriend, and risking his sexual health with your streetwalker promiscuity, was a bad thing to do, and honestly, you deserve to be dumped for being such a *****. Shit, sorry. Oh well, it was only the one time. Get over it, like you do your sugar daddy, you ratchet-ass ho.

dumbassbitc4 3