Pass the parcel

By Anonymous - 30/06/2021 10:59

Today, I went to my son's friend's birthday party and felt really proud of giving a great gift. It just so happened that I regifted the same gift that his friend's mother gave to my son the month before because I forgot to check the name on the bag. It looked like she was about to faint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 199
You deserved it 1 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this was such a great gift why were you regifting it?

rotflqtms_ 21

Did you bring the wrong bag to your friend's kid? Ydi if you intended to if you had a great gift and accidentally brought the wrong bag.


If this was such a great gift why were you regifting it?

rotflqtms_ 21

Did you bring the wrong bag to your friend's kid? Ydi if you intended to if you had a great gift and accidentally brought the wrong bag.

If it was just the same item and not the entire bag and everything, you COULD have played it off like you thought he'd love one too...and then buy one on the way home lol