By shameless - 28/04/2013 22:24 - United States - Canton

Today, I agreed to go on a date with the creepy guy from my Economics class because I'm so broke that I could really use the free meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 719
You deserved it 15 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So.. the Economics class isn't working, then?

Food is food, no matter the means of acquiring it


Food is food, no matter the means of acquiring it

Yeah, I know exactly how that feels, OP. I myself use to have severe financial issues do to medical bills, it's hard but you will get through it. Don't know if you're religious or not, but I will pray for you. :)

OP acts just like some sort of "softcore" *****. She still provides sexually motivated favours in exchange for money, even though it's money in the form of free food.

#31: No, I always demand split bills on a first date. No guy should ever think that he can buy me or impress me with dinner.

Only the first date? Why not every date? :-P

Afterwards we might have some sort of agreement how to split bills. At the first date we surely do not have any agreement, we are just willing to meet each other.

Some guys likes to pay for first dates you kinda hurt their ego if you constantly ask to pay for it. Ill ask a couple to pay for my plate if my date still wants to pay for if. I tell him Ill pay for our next date. I have never kept track of who pays for who.

***** is *****, no matter the payment method.

friedpwnadge 25

The motto of all undergrad students.

So does that mean you'd have sex for a cheeseburger? Think I saw that on Maury...

Dude, I would totally have sex for a cheeseburger

tjv3 10

So you are using the guy, toying with his feelings, and leading him on because you are broke? That isn't cool OP and karma will kick your ass for it later

Ya, even if it means leading someone on and taking advantage of them huh? Why don't you go ahead and admit you were using him during dessert op. Surely, a stand up person like yourself won't allow a few tears or embarrassed admirer to ruin a good tiramisu.

zingline89 18

All I have to say is if this creep takes you to Chuck E Cheese, run.

Or, you know, she could grab a free slice, say "sorry this isn't working out," and ditch. What's wrong with Chuck E Cheese's?

rg350dx 29

No. Dont run. Everybody knows you get scolded for running around the arcade machines. God, have you ever even been to chuck e cheese before?

RedPillSucks 31
therealafroninga 10

He knows what you do in the bathroom.

So.. the Economics class isn't working, then?

perdix 29

#3, are you kidding? She's learning the importance of controlling the means of production, and the Law of Supply and Demand. She'll let him supply her free food until he begins to demand sex. At that point, she'll excuse herself to the bathroom and do a Diminishing Marginal Return out the back window. This could be a Master's thesis.

52, I take it you've studied economics - you seem to understand all the principles perfectly!

#52 perdix that is hilarious. But isn't anyone out there feeling more sorry for the classmate who thinks he's got a date with OP? poor guy...

PoopNuggetLeader 4

Yes, yes I do think about it.

#69 was right, in accepting this date, op was tricking the poor guy into thinking that it was a plausible relationship

Better hope he's not one of the modern type of men, who want to split the bill. (Y'know, because society states that men and women are supposed to be equal.[Although that does not make any sense from a biological point of view.])

I've got a distinct feeling that I will be thumbed down to oblivion if I don't further explain my previous statement... I was referring to the fact that the equal-rights movements now-a-days are strong in the population(for good reason), but that these can also have unexpected consequences for people who look at it the wrong way, e.g. by thinking that it only assists women. That biological part was half pure biological differences between man and woman, half "men have different interests in courtship", meaning that men usually try to use active gestures more than women, who prefer subtle methods. (Men: Get dressed, pay for the meal, help her with the chair, etc. Women: Get dressed with the exact right composition of clothes, try to send the right signals without being obvious, etc.)

breaking someone's heart to get a meal? not sure how anyone could think OP is blameless

nisse_fml 9

I agree with #9. You went on a date with someone you find disgusting, who's probably interested in you, just to get a free meal. That kind of makes you an asshole

\ 28

would it be more honorable if OP went hungry?

RedPillSucks 31

@26 - Not sure it makes OP an asshole. Definitely a prostitute, however.

There are always ways to get a free or cheap meal without having to screw with someone's heart. I'm astounded that OP thinks that he or she is the one we should feel sorry for.

I'm so confused non of these post have any relevance to #5 did someome remove their comment?

94yhy 8

He supplied you a meal and you fulfilled his demand. Quite fitting of the course you're in, is it not?

oj101 33

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a value, relative to demand and supply. Unfortunately, the free meal came with a large opportunity cost.

Hopefully his demands won't increase, from what she's willing to supply.

What if the guy is willing to cover the cost resulted from the large demand and little supply

At least you won't go hungry. You're not exactly winning at life but your survival skills top notch.

FYL OP, stock on some ramen the first chance you get. Sometimes they're as low as 10 cents.

FML his life though. "Today that girl I love finally accepted my offer of a date, the same day I heard her say she'd do anything for a meal. Forever alone. FML"

iLike2Teabag 27

Go to Denny's and say it's your birthday. :)